Mental Agility

"Agile" isn't necessarily the same thing as "agile"

A video: How Agile failed software developers and why scrum is a bad idea

This 11 minute video sums up everything you need to know about the folly of implementing rigid Agile in 2023

Why Agile Didn’t Work

Agile: you’re doing it wrong

If you are a Certified Scrum Master, you are doing it wrong.

On Managing Developers

Programming Motherfucker

We are a community of motherfucking programmers who have been humiliated by software development methodologies for years.

We are tired of XP, Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, Software Craftsmanship (aka XP-Lite) and anything else getting in the way of…Programming, Motherfucker.

We are tired of being told we’re autistic idiots who need to be manipulated to work in a Forced Pair Programming chain gang without any time to be creative because none of the 10 managers on the project can do… Programming, Motherfucker.

We must destroy these methodologies that get in the way of…Programming, Motherfucker.

Agile is a cancer that we have to eliminate from the industry – Meijer

Erik Meijer hating on Agile: “we talk too much about code, we don’t write enough code.”

The article claims a former priest from the Church of ThoughtWorks has “debunked” this. Can a religion ever be said to have debunked a skeptic?

The End of Agile

More inevitable end-of-fad predictions. This is a great example of why Agiile failed.

The End of Agile: Death by Over-Simplification

The Corruption of Agile

Dr Dobbs piece on how Agile mutated into the dogma we know today:

Agile: Cargo Cult

An interesting, albeit pretty obvious, analogy between Agile and a Cargo Cult in this blog post: Why Agile has Failed.

An Agile Adventure

An Agile AdventureYou’ll have to forgive me if previous posts convey the impression that I regard Agile as simply an elaborate practical joke that exists solely to wring cash out of clueless organizations and unworldly cretins. Nothing could be further from the truth, and to prove it I present you with a wonderful and educational gift.

This exciting “graphic novel” produced, we have to assume, in earnest by PMI shows how Agile(R) skills are not just of use in the Scrum room of a dull IT company but can save lives godammit! Experience the thrills as Angela, our plucky protagonist, manages to not just save a little girl from an icy death but also free a crack team of project managers who could have been trapped in a luxury hotel for several inconvenient days! As others lose their heads, she calmly uses her knowledge of the Agile Approach(tm), to make signs, arrange meetings and facilitate the deployment of information radiators. Without wanting to spoil the end of the story, it’s worth noting that she never lets her ego get in the way of The Agile Approach, and invites everyone else to congratulate themselves in a sincere display of selflessness. Woo-hoo! they all shout joyfully, for they feel happy to have been part of the experience. But deep down acknowledge that Angela alone was responsible for the success.

Think on Hollywood – perhaps it’s about time someone remade The Poseidon Adventure with an Agile hero!

(Thanks to Mr Fritz for sending me this gem)

Agile Gift Voucher

Here it is! A cut-out-and-keep Genuine(R) Agile(R) Voucher with the value of 13 Genuine(R) Agile(R) points:

A voucher for 13 Genuine(R) Agile(R) points

Please read the terms and conditions before you award it to someone, otherwise the points may end up being a meaningless waste of everyone’s time.